April 6, 2010

The 3 P's

God created you as a unique person - He planned your life before
your birth. God loves you! Even if you have felt alone and rejected,
God promises to always love you.

Jesus promised to give you an inner peace no matter what is happening
in your life. "My peace I leave with you." Jesus' death paid your debt
to God in full - you are forgiven and you can begin your new life -
the awesome adventure of living in God's kingdom.

Jesus has given you a helper called the Holy Spirit, who now lives in you. The Holy Spirit gives you the power to change your life for the better and teaches you God's wisdom to handle life's challenges victoriously.

1 comment:

labatterie said...

The Holy Spirit gives you the power to change your life for the better and teaches you God's wisdom to handle life's challenges victoriously.